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Kuopion Energia adopts smart multi-energy metering solution

Kuopion Energia and Landis+Gyr agree to continue their long-term cooperation, with the energy company receiving an extensive smart metering solution by the end of 2013. The solution offers Kuopion Energia many benefits, and the Landis+Gyr operational and maintenance service allows the network company to utilize data produced by smart metering without worrying about costs or maintenance of the system.

Kuopion Energia had already 10,000 electricity and 2,000 district heat consumption sites in smart metering. Hence, the Finnish network company wanted to acquire the latest advanced smart metering technology that can be easily integrated into its existing smart metering infrastructure and is compatible with the technology of many different manufacturers. In addition, adaptability was required from the smart metering solution with regard to communication technologies, because Kuopion Energia wanted to utilize its own telecommunication network.

Versatile and credible system supplier required

For these reasons Landis+Gyr was the natural choice. “We wanted a local partner that commits to long-term cooperation. Selecting a service solution was the easiest and, overall, most economical solution for us. Through service solution, we will always use the latest technology and expertise in the business, and we also know the costs of system usage and maintenance throughout its life cycle,” says Kari Väänänen, Managing Director, Kuopion Energia Liikelaitos.

The total solution to be delivered to Kuopion Energia in 2012-2013 contains about 50,000 smart energy meters, the integration of the smart metering system to data systems of the energy company and the project management and installation of meters. Landis+Gyr will also take care of meter maintenance and new meter installations together with Kuopion Energia. In addition, Kuopion Energia selected a 10-year smart metering service for metering data as part of their total solution.

Landis+Gyr’s smart metering solution provides efficient tools and applications for the smart metering implementation; Site Manager installation tool, AIMIA integration application and web-based monitoring application Dashboard.

Flexible multi-energy solution

The network company already uses Landis+Gyr E120 meters and smart metering system. With the new cooperation contract these 10,000 metering sites that are already within the scope of smart metering and the Gridstream AIM system, are connected as a part of a more extensive smart metering solution respectively a smart metering service. The multi-energy solution also enables connecting the 2,000 metering points for district heat in the service in the future.

The systems can be connected smoothly as a single entity, because the flexible technology of Landis+Gyr enables merging the existing smart metering infrastructure as a part of the new smart metering system. Thanks to the open system architecture, the system is compatible with meters from different manufacturers as well as multiple communications technologies.

Cost-efficient smart metering service

With its smart metering service, Landis+Gyr is responsible for the hourly-based collection of consumption data and operations as well as the maintenance of the Gridstream system. Each day the consumption data are delivered to Kuopion Energia’s systems where they are utilized by the customer service and billing for instance. Regular reports of power quality data and network status are also delivered to Kuopion Energia, which gives the utility a better control of the network and the production capability. Also, the solution enables online access to personal consumption information for the utility customers.

With Landis+Gyr's smart metering services the network company can utilize its resources efficiently by focusing on improving its own core business. It does not need to worry about the maintenance or functioning of the system, and the costs of the system can be predicted and managed consistently. Service allows Kuopion Energia to improve the efficiency of the whole operational process, features real-time data on the status of the network and metering devices and provides better control of the network and the production capability.

Many possibilities of smart metering

Kuopion Energia benefits from the transfer to smart metering in many different ways. The real-time data on the status of the network and metering devices provides significant cost benefits. For example, it enables fast response to faults in the network,which assists in network planning and allocating investments and improves the efficiency of managing the condition of metering devices. Kuopion Energia can also develop its business on the basis of real-time data; for example, by providing their customers with diverse tariff solutions and personal energy management tools, which assist in the customer management process.

A significant benefit is also the improved control of the losses in the network and receivables. Real time consumption information provides tools for identifying losses, and remote controls enable easy disconnection of metering points.

Smart metering also improves customer satisfaction because manual meter reading is no longer necessary and even removal readings can be performed remotely. Customers can receive a well-defined invoice based on actual consumption as well as efficient customer service based on real-time consumption information; for example, the reasons for unexpected peaks can be determined through a simple and fast process.

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